As promised, here are our apple pictures. A week or so ago, we went Apple Crazy!
First, we tasted a red apple, a yellow apple, and a green apple. We voted on our favorite apples and then graphed the results. As you can see, we had a tie between the yellow and green apples. Mrs. King is the only one who liked the red apple the best. Clearly, we did not have the AMAZING Honey Crisp Apples or I am sure it would have won hands down.
As we cut open the apples, we explored the inside and talked about the core, seeds, and meat of the apple. We talked about how perfectly God creates all things and thanked him for our yummy apple treats. Then we read the Forbidden Fruit story in the bible and discussed how Adam and Eve did not obey God when they ate the apple.
In our Explore Center, the kids played with apple scented Play-Doh. I gave each child a picture of a tree and they had to put apples on their tree. I snuck in a little Math Lesson and asked them to put 4 apples on the tree, then 2, and so on. They got really creative and started making me Apple Play-Doh pies...Yummy!
Lastly, they had to count out apples(green and red pom poms) and put them in the muffin tins using tweezers.
The Sweet Frogs are having a great time at school! Next week, we are going on a BEAR's going to be FUN!!! Stay tuned for that post!