Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snowmen and Snowflakes

It was a blistering, cold day in Mrs. King's Sweet Frogs class...a HUGE snowstorm blew in and the children got to play in the snow! 

Okay, so it was only a couple of tubes of Insta-Snow. 
They loved it!
We made some snowman snacks.
They did not like them at all...
Nope not at all.
We counted buttons on snowmen, read Snowmen at Work and Robert's Snow  and made a cute snowflake. 

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear

On Thursday, we learned about Polar Bears!  We read the story, Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear and then the Sweet Frogs had to guess the hidden sounds that Mrs. King was making.  They did a great job and after we were finished I let the kiddos explore all the beautiful sounds! 

Maybe we will start a band soon because there is some talent in this group ;) 
We counted bears in Math!
And made these adorable Polar Bear snacks!
As my friend Logan said, "It's a party in my tummy!" 
I think they liked it! 

Ice and Igloos

Happy New Year!  I was so happy to see all my Sweet Frog's back at school in January!  We got right back into the swing of things as soon as they walked in the door and began our January Unit on Ice and Igloos.  Since we were learning about the letter I, Mrs. King froze some insects in ice for our explore center! 
They loved it!  We talked about how ice felt and how they thought they could get the insects out of the ice. 
We read a few stories about igloos and made our very own igloo out of marshmallows. 
In Math we had to count insects and swat them! 
Good job Logan!  Mrs. King does not like insects in the room!
The Sweet Frogs are working on writing the letter I. 

Happy Birthday Jesus

I am going to blog overload you today and catch you up on all the FUN we've been having in our Sweet Frog's class.  In December, we did a lot of Christmas Crafts and focused our hearts around Jesus Birthday! 

 We made Jesus a special birthday cake and sang him "Happy Birthday".  I asked the kids how old they thought Jesus was.  We decided to put 6 candles on Jesus' cake since we were learning about the number 6. 
We also celebrated Green Day! 
Aren't they just the cutest in their green shirts! 
We did lots of fun green activities but they Sweet Frogs liked this one best by far!
An edible Christmas Tree!
I know it is hard getting some of our craft's home, but they sure have fun making them!