Wednesday, December 4, 2013

G for Gingerbread!


So, you can imagine how excited I was to get to G day at school...we went all out for Gingerbread!

First, we read the Gingerbread Boy and then we sequenced the story.  Sorry, I can't figure out how to turn this picture in the right direction...but who cares with that SWEET smile!!!

Next we took a bite out of a gingerbread cookie to see which body part the sweet frogs would bite first.  All the kids took off his head first!  Mrs. King ate the leg first.  We graphed our results.  Then of course at the rest of him!

The first step of our Art Project was to marble paint our gingerbread man!
We made gingerbread boys and girls out of felt!
Of course we had to bake real gingerbread cookies and decorate them...hmmm...two cookies in one day makes for a good day if you ask me!

Finally we put the finishing touches on our ginger craft!  They are hanging in our room!

Where Did November Go???

I can't believe November has come and gone!  I have fallen behind on our Frog Blog but wanted to share a few pictures of our Thanksgiving Feast. 

Our little Native Americans did not go hungry.  Thank you for bringing yummy food for us to share at our feast!
We celebrated with the Pilgrims (Pre-K Class).  Mrs. Autrey and Mrs. Fullerton celebrated with us!
I am so THANKFUL to have these cuties in my class!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Spookley the Square Pumpkin

I love everything fall, especially pumpkins.  So we started our fall pumpkin unit Thursday and had so much fun!  We began by reading the story called, Spookley the Square Pumpkin.  This is such a sweet story about how everyone is made different and with a purpose.  At first Spookley was sad that he was not round like the other pumpkins until one windy night he saves all his friends from rolling away. 

 We used our dot paint and made a square pumpkin.
We put pumpkins in order from biggest to smallest.
We counted pumpkins.
We made pumpkin pudding and ate it with square crackers.  All of our sweet frogs gave it a thumbs up!
Lastly, we read a story called, Pumpkin Cat.  This is a story about the life cycle of a pumpkin.  While we read the story we stopped at each cycle and made our own lifecycle of a pumpkin.  When we finished the story, our Sweet Frogs could retell me the pumpkin cycle beginning with the seed.  Ask your child to tell you how a pumpkin grows!   

Scarecrow Boy

We began our day reading a story called Scarecrow Boy.  We learned that a scarecrow's job is to scare crows away from farmers' crops.  The little scarecrow boy in our story has to practice his fierce face.  Next, we played a scarecrow game and practiced our fierce face...take a look.
Scarecrow Boy Logan

Fierce Scarecrow Girl Leila

Scarecrow Boy Spencer would frighten any old crow away!

Scarecrow Boy Logan
We  also made a cute scarecrow that everyone got to take home!  They turned out so cute!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Counting Corn

We got a little "corny" at school on Thursday!
During Circle Time we read a story about corn and then we looked at a real ear of corn.  We touched it, smelled it, and peeled back its layers.  We talked about how God created all the parts of the corn perfectly so it can grow from a seed to a yummy, healthy food for us to eat.
We counted popcorn seeds.
We made the letter C out of Play-Doh
We counted candy corn and glued them onto a paper ear of corn.
We had a POPCORN PARTY and air popped some popcorn! 

We ate lots of popcorn and then used the extra for popcorn art!  We made popcorn squares!
Lastly, we made hand print candy corn that turned out Super Cute!  We have theses gems hanging in our room and will send them home in a few days. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

This week we went on a big adventure...A BEAR Hunt!!!  We started the day by reading the story, We're Going on a Bear Hunt.  When the kids left for Music class we set our bears on our circle time squares.  When we returned, the silly bears were GONE!  We had to find them!  First, we needed to make bear finding binoculars. 
Logan is ready for the Bear Hunt! 
We lined up and started our little bear hunt chant.  If your Sweet Frog has been driving you nuts reciting the bear hunt chant...I take full responsibility.  It's a catchy little tune. 
Lewis was first to find a bear! 
What a good eye Spencer has.  He found the pink bear way up in the tree!  Way to go Spencer!
Leila found T-Bear by the front desk. 
Logan found orange bear in our classroom! 
We spent the rest of our day doing Beary Good Work!
We counted bears on a number line.
We made patterns out of manipulative bears.
We did a little bear sewing.
And...we had to read We're Going on a Bear Hunt again...and again...and again on Thursday because we LOVE the book so much!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Apples, Apples, Apples

As promised, here are our apple pictures.  A week or so ago, we went Apple Crazy! 
First, we tasted a red apple, a yellow apple, and a green apple.  We voted on our favorite apples and then graphed the results.  As you can see, we had a tie between the yellow and green apples.  Mrs. King is the only one who liked the red apple the best.  Clearly, we did not have the AMAZING Honey Crisp Apples or I am sure it would have won hands down. 
As we cut open the apples, we explored the inside and talked about the core, seeds, and meat of the apple.  We talked about how perfectly God creates all things and thanked him for our yummy apple treats.  Then we read the Forbidden Fruit story in the bible and discussed how Adam and Eve did not obey God when they ate the apple. 
In our Explore Center, the kids played with apple scented Play-Doh.  I gave each child a picture of a tree and they had to put apples on their tree.  I snuck in a little Math Lesson and asked them to put 4 apples on the tree, then 2, and so on.  They got really creative and started making me Apple Play-Doh pies...Yummy!
Lastly, they had to count out apples(green and red pom poms) and put them in the muffin tins using tweezers. 
The Sweet Frogs are having a great time at school!  Next week, we are going on a BEAR's going to be FUN!!!  Stay tuned for that post!

Friday, September 20, 2013

My Happy Face!

Well, the sad news is, I forgot to bring home our apple pictures.  The good news is I have a few pictures of our tasty happy face treats that we made Thursday. 

Can you tell which face belongs to your Sweet Frog?  From left to right we have Leila's face, Lewis' face, Logan's face, then Spencer's face. Looks just like them, right?   

Yes, it's true...we ATE our school work!  We have Yummy faces!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

First Day of School

We had such a fun week at school!  We did a lot of exploring, learning, playing, and making new friends! 
 The Water Beads were a huge hit with the Sweet Frogs.  They all did such a great job taking turns!
 Recess is so much fun!  The kiddos love playing in the rocks.
 Sliding Fun!
End of the Day with the Sweet Frogs! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kid's Inc. 3 Year Old Sweet Frogs

Hello Sweet Frogs!  I am working hard to get our room ready for school next week!  We are going to have such a great year!

Mrs. King