Friday, October 4, 2013

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

This week we went on a big adventure...A BEAR Hunt!!!  We started the day by reading the story, We're Going on a Bear Hunt.  When the kids left for Music class we set our bears on our circle time squares.  When we returned, the silly bears were GONE!  We had to find them!  First, we needed to make bear finding binoculars. 
Logan is ready for the Bear Hunt! 
We lined up and started our little bear hunt chant.  If your Sweet Frog has been driving you nuts reciting the bear hunt chant...I take full responsibility.  It's a catchy little tune. 
Lewis was first to find a bear! 
What a good eye Spencer has.  He found the pink bear way up in the tree!  Way to go Spencer!
Leila found T-Bear by the front desk. 
Logan found orange bear in our classroom! 
We spent the rest of our day doing Beary Good Work!
We counted bears on a number line.
We made patterns out of manipulative bears.
We did a little bear sewing.
And...we had to read We're Going on a Bear Hunt again...and again...and again on Thursday because we LOVE the book so much!

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